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Manila Archdiocesan General Pastoral Assembly

MAGPAS is a fundamental formation program and a platform for listening and dialogue among the various communities and institutions in the Archdiocese.


Employing the newly minted UFF, it aims to translate the archdiocesan vision to formation (discipleship), from formation to pastoral strategies and actions (mission).

Shadow on Concrete Wall

Unified Formation Framework


The Archdiocese of Manila is made up of various groups – priests, religious, lay organizations, and many activities are being done to advance the work of the Kingdom of God. It is always a big challenge how to bring some form of unity in the various works being done so that a common direction and a common outlook may guide those who work in this local church.


Cardinal Tagle had tasked the formation team of the archdiocese, which is made up of the heads of the various ministries working on formation, under the guidance of the Bukal ng Tipan group, to come up with something in common in the area of formation that could be followed in the whole archdiocese. This mandate was given in 2015. After several meetings of the formation team this reality has crystallized. There are already many formation programs being implemented by the different groups which are suited to their own ministries and beneficiaries. It is therefore very unlikely that all should be given a uniform formation program. However, while the peculiarities of each group may be respected, some elements may be followed by all in a common formation framework. So the basic lines may be identified to be common to all while the specific contents and hose these elements are to be implemented may be done by each group or formation program.


One thing that helps is to have a common vision as a local church. This was done at the time of Cardinal Rosales around 2005. From this common vision, many ministries and church groups working in the archdiocese revised and aligned their own visions. The lay leaders of the archdiocese were consulted in several Manila Archdiocesan General Pastoral Assembly (MAGPAS) sessions whether the vision of the archdiocese is still relevant, how much it is alive in the consciousness of the people, and how it influences the direction of the archdiocese. From those attending the MAGPAS sessions a rough survey was done. They were also tasked to conduct a simple survey among the unchurched about their perception of the Church and its vision. In a clergy recollection, the priests were also asked about their dreams for their local Church with the changing situation of our times. In all it became clear that the vision is still valid but it needs to be further reinforced and the common values flowing from the vision be identified and worked on.


A people Called by the Father in Jesus Christ

To Become a Community of Persons

with Fullness of Life

witnessing to the Kingdom of God

by living the Paschal Mystery

in the Power of the Holy Spirit

with Mary as our Companion


core values

Core Values



As the people of God, we are called to live in communion with others, guided by our vision. From this vision, we come out with the core values of our Archdiocese, which will serve as the heart and reason for our being. It answers the question Why? Why are we doing what we are doing? What gives fire to our identity? Values guide our decision-making. Values give us our reason for being. Passion gives us the energy to go on, especially when things are difficult. Passion gives Vision its wings!


Again, a series of consultations in the form of recollection and group sharing was done among the lay leaders and the clergy. The following core values were identified which are drawn from the vision and the needs of our times.





As the womb where we grow: Unity; Spirit of communion; Belonging; Cohesiveness; Solidarity; Pariticipation, Lay empowerment, Accountability, Shared gifts and talents, Teamwork.





As the fruit of our unity: Mutual aid, Solidarity, Responsibility, Volunteerism, Compassion for the poor, Willingness to serve, Charity, Service, Hunger and thirst for righteousness, Care for our common home.





As spiritual strength of the community: Humility, Poverty in spirit, Purity of heart, Serenity with fortitude.





As stance of service: Mercy, Care or concern, Compassion-Comprehension, Compassion.


Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila

Office for the Promotion of the New Evangelization

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